Metro Style Search Bar for Blogger

Metro Search Bar
As Microsoft has enrolled the new Windows 8 Metro Style OS, a lot of change in the designing section of the blogging community has been seen. Now a days people are changing their template/theme and giving them a Metro look. If you are one of those people here is a fabulous widget for you - A Metro Style Blogger Search Bar.

Its CSS has been compressed to make it load faster. The bar looks very cool and I personally like it. Well there is no need to demo for this search bar, you can see how this search bar looks in the above image.

So you can add this widget to your blog with our 1 Click Installation button or by adding the code manually.

1 Click Installation

For adding this search bar to your blog just click the below button.

After clicking the button you will be redirected to and your widget would be added.

Manually adding the code

If you think that you need to make some changes in the code or the above button is not working for you then you may use this method.
Go to Blog Title → Layout → Add Widget → HTML/JavaScript. Paste the below code.

#abt-search-btn {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #359BED;
    border: 0 none;
    border-radius: 0 0 0 0;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-weight: 700;
    padding: 10px 20px;
#abt-search-box {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #EEEEEE;
    border: 0 none;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 160px;
<form id="searchthis" action="/search" style="display:inline;" method="get">
<input id="abt-search-box" name="q" size="40" type="text" placeholder="  Type! :D "/>
<input id="abt-search-btn" value="Search" type="submit"/>

Now save the widget and save the template. If you want to increase/decrease the text box width change 160px with your desired width.

You are done now. Now you and your visitors can see this awesome Metro style Search bar in your blog.


  1. Thanks......................

  2. Nice One , Dhiraj

    Rizwan @ Blogger Kid

  3. But blogger is providing default search bar na?does this widget works same as google's custom search?

    1. No its different from the default google custom search.

  4. Nice one and Thanks Dhiraj I applied in my blog have a look

  5. I applied on my new blog but when i click on search area to type seach item it doesn't allow me to write
    on this blog>>

  6. According to Google Adsense Custom Search Engine Policy, webpage consisting search results should have width of 800 PX but my blogspot blog's sidebar is trouble in the way. Is there any way to remove the sidebar of blogger blog to make the width of post area larger.

  7. hey , I wanted to install CSS hover effect to the search button . anyway ?

  8. www.machomusiq.Com

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    Thanks For This Search Box

  9. Nice share!!!! after a minute of search, this one works! Thanks!

  10. This template is simply great.To complement this template i recommend : Flat Responsive Widgets For Everybody

  11. hi,
    can i apply google search adsense cod to this search widget. thanks
